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Before the Name: Covid-19 Update

At Northeastern on February 5, 2020, I attended a panel consisting of a doctor, a lawyer, a member of the department of health, and the president of the Chinese Student's Alliance at Northeastern University. At the time, the coronavirus was not an international pandemic: it was consistent in China and unaffecting American lives. It did not even have a name.

The panel discussed the repercussions of American not offering foreign aid to China and how Chinese Americans are being treated with oppression due to their association with the virus. This topics discussed, to this day (April 202), serve as a day to day changing topic. The panel discussed how prevention of the spread of coronavirus and viruses like it can only occur when globally all of the constraitns of healthcare are dealt with. Given the United State's status in the world, the doctors and lawyers called for a more international role on our part because they beleived the China could not contain the virus. They emphasized the crucial international aid and how fear will spread. Furthermore, they stated that we cannot blame Chinese Americans and use this as an excuse to fear all people. We have to be strong as a country.

I am grateful for the experience of meeting with these people because Covid-19 has grown and impacted every single life in America. At this point, the fear has spread in the way the doctors and lawyers warned. I feel as though the open-minded information provided to be regarding the treatment of Chinese Americans and the necessity of foreign aide in situations like this. I am able to share this information with my neighbors and family.

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